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Delaware River

Watershed Initiative


The Delaware River Watershed Initiative comprises municipal, county, state and regional officials, conservation professionals, advocates, students, educators, property and business owners, residents, recreational users, regulators and other interest groups for one common goal: to protect the land, water and other natural, cultural and scenic resources of the Delaware River.

The Delaware River forms the boundaries and significant watersheds and urban areas of four Mid-Atlantic states: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. It is the longest free-flowing (undammed) river in the Eastern United States, and over 15 million people rely on its waters for drinking, agriculture and industry.

The Delaware River Watershed Initiative works across the four-state region to protect this single source of water. In Northern New Jersey the Initiative is active in the Highlands and the Ridge and Valley Regions, encompassing its many tributaries and the communities through which they flow. Together we all have an opportunity to ensure clean water and recreational opportunities for generations to come.

More information about the Delaware River Watershed Initiative's work in the Highlands can be found at

Northwest New Jersey DRWI Partners:

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